Haskell Weekly



You can advertise with Haskell Weekly by purchasing a sponsored link. Sponsored links are similar to featured links except that they say '(ad)' after the title. Here's an example of how they look:

Each sponsored link has three required pieces:

  1. URL: This can be whatever you want. We recommend using a URL that will allow you to track engagement.

  2. Title: This is up to 80 characters of plain text.

  3. Copy: This is up to 300 characters of plain text. It can include basic Markdown formatting.

Haskell Weekly is published at 10 AM ET every Thursday. Sponsored links must be submitted 24 hours before publication.

Sponsored links cost US$60 per issue. A 25% bulk discount is available if you buy 4 or more links. Payment is accepted through Square. If you are interested in advertising with Haskell Weekly, please reach out to info@haskellweekly.news.


We are not currently accepting advertising for the podcast.