Haskell Weekly


Issue 230 2020-09-24

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • Reanimate v1.0 by David Himmelstrup

    It is my great pleasure to announce version 1.0 of the Reanimate animation library. Reanimate aims to be a batteries-included way of creating animations and illustrations.

  • Strategic Deriving by Kowainik

    But what exactly is deriving, how does it work and what pitfalls can it bring? What are deriving strategies and how do you get a habit of using them regularly?

  • Sockets and Pipes by Type Classes

    Sockets and Pipes is not an introduction to Haskell; it is an introduction to writing software in Haskell.

  • Lazy Sort: Counting Comparisons by Jasper Van der Jeugt

    How good is Haskell’s lazy sort actually?

  • Don’t use Ghcide anymore (directly) by Neil Mitchell

    I recommend people use the Haskell Language Server IDE.

  • MuniHac 2020 videos

    This year due to the ongoing Corona situation, MuniHac will take place as a two-day online event filled with Haskell talks and workshops. The talks will be streamed and you can watch them here.


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In brief

  • Haskell’s Children by Owen Lynch

    I find myself simply not as excited about Haskell as I used to be. What changed?

  • In the computer by Chris Martin

    When people talk about “algebraic reasoning”, explanations fall flat because we neglect to first figure out kind of reasoning we’re contrasting it against.

  • MuniHac 2020 by Well-Typed

    We enjoyed attending virtual MuniHac and would like to thank our co-organisers TNG for all the work they put into planning, hosting and and running the event.

  • Optimised Row Columnar for Haskell by Huw Campbell

    I are proud to announce a new Apache ORC library for Haskell which I am releasing as open source under the Affero General Public License.

Show & tell

  • base16-bytestring version Emily Pillmore

    This release marks an epochal change in the library’s structure, changing some existing features, and adding others.

  • ghcup version 0.1.11 by Julian Ospald

    This release adds haskell-language-server (hls) to ghcup.

  • stm-actor & stm-queue by Samuel Schlesinger

    Released stm-actor, something I’d been chewing on for a while, and stm-queue to accompany it in order to get better worst-case latency for reads than TQueue.

Call for participation