Haskell Weekly


Issue 249 2021-02-04

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • Announcing the Haskell Foundation Board by Simon Peyton Jones

    I am delighted to announce the membership of the newly-constituted Haskell Foundation Board.

  • Dynamic type errors lack relevance by Gabriella Gonzalez

    The fundamental issue is that in a dynamically typed language you cannot explain errors to the user in terms of the source code they wrote.

  • Fuzzing me wrong — How QuickCheck destroyed my favourite theory by Thomas Mahler

    I was impressed with the power of QuickCheck, so I thought it would be a good idea to share this lesson in falsification.

  • Haskell’s @ symbol - Type Application by Zac Wood

    One the the first nonstandard language extensions you’ll come across while developing with IHP is the fancy @ symbol.

  • Memory Fragmentation: A Deeper Look With ghc-debug by Matthew Pickering & David Eichmann

    In this post we will report on our progress implementing ghc-debug, a tool for performing precise heap analysis, and how we have used it in order to pinpoint the cause of the fragmentation issues.

  • New random interface by Alexey Kuleshevich

    This post is about the new cool features in random-1.2.0. Most notably performance improvements and the new monadic stateful interface.

  • Prototyping a plugin system for Purebred by Fraser Tweedale

    In this post I present an experimental design for a plugin system, where plugins’ capabilities are expressed in their types.

  • Singleton by Type Classes

    Why is it that Data.Sequence has a singleton function and Data.List does not?


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  • haskell-language-server version 0.9.0 by Javier Neira

    This release includes lot of refactorings and bug fixes over existing features, hlint and eval plugins among others.

  • named-servant by Kristof Bastiaensen

    named-servant is a small package that allows you to use records for servant query parameters.

  • tasty-bench by Andrew Lelechenko

    Featherlight benchmark framework (only one file!) for performance measurement with API mimicking criterion and gauge.

  • Vocoder by Marek Materzok

    This repository contains a collection of Haskell libraries implementing a phase vocoder - an algorithm for processing time-varying signals in frequency domain.

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