Haskell Weekly


Issue 265 2021-05-27

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • A combinator library for taxes by Fraser Tweedale

    In this post I describe and demonstrate the Haskell tax library, which provides data types and combinators for defining taxes.

  • Fix(ity) me by Dmitrii Kovanikov & Veronika Romashkina

    To get a deeper understanding of the problem and develop firefighting techniques, let’s have a closer look at operators and how to work with them. This post is useful for both newcomers and language adepts, seeking ground rules around using operators and must-do things when introducing your own operators.

  • Haskell on Actions, Part 3 by Patrick Brisbin

    In this post, we’ll talk about Docker-based deployment of a Haskell project. Really, this applies to any compiled project, where careful layers, multi-stage builds, and layer caching on CI is important.

  • Imagine compiler internals - a story by Manu Gunther & Ale Gadea

    Haskell allows us to implement a well modularized compiler, with separate phases in which the abstract representation of the input is the most important component.

  • State of the Cabal by Emily Pillmore

    This announcement will detail some updates to the team, as well as the direction we want to take in the future to make Cabal a friendlier library and tooling system to work with.

  • Tying the Knot in Haskell by Michael Snoyman

    This post has nothing to do with marriage. Tying the knot is, in my opinion at least, a relatively obscure technique you can use in Haskell to address certain corner cases.

  • What good is metaprogramming, anyway? by Sandy Maguire

    Something that’s annoying in Haskell is writing generic, structurally-inductive functions. Doing this by hand is frustrating; there’s a lot of repetition, but there’s no good way to automate away the pain.


  • Haskell @ Mercury

    Mercury is building a bank for startups. We’re hiring Haskell engineers (generalist and backend). Apply if you want to work with Haskell/Yesod/Persistent and React/Redux/Typescript. You can check out <www.lifeatmercury.com> (pw: charlietuna). Reach out to veronica@mercury.com with questions.

Trying to hire a Haskell developer? You should advertise with us!

In brief

  • Answering my own Template Haskell question by Jonathan Dowland

    When I learned that, my sense of oddness about the question remained, so I went to find the original thread, to discover I wrote the original question a year ago and had therefore literally answered my own question a year later.

  • Haskell: Applicative by Vlad Posmangiu Luchian

    An Applicative is short for a strong lax monoidal functor or some people might call it an Applicative Functor.

  • Module Organization Guidelines by Haskell Weekly Podcast

    Should you organize modules vertically or horizontally? This week we take a look at another article by Gabriella Gonzalez, this time about organizing projects and packages.

Show & tell

  • IHP version 0.10

    IHP is a modern batteries-included haskell web framework, built on top of Haskell and Nix.

  • Shpadoinkle

    A new Functional UI programming paradigm

Call for participation