Haskell Weekly


Issue 329 2022-08-18

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • Dynamic Exception Reporting in Haskell by Matt Parsons

    Exceptions kind of suck in Haskell. You don’t get a stack trace. They don’t show up in the types of functions. They incorporate a subtyping mechanism that feels more like Java casting than typical Haskell programming.


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In brief

  • Haskell Foundation DevOps Weekly Log, 2022-08-17 by Bryan Richter

    In the last week and a half, I continued to focus on spurious failures. To wrap things up before my break, I wrote a wiki page about the spurious failure effort that explains my methodology.

Show & tell

  • Rel8 version 1.4 by Ollie Charles

    I’m happy to announce the release of Rel8 1.4. Rel8 is a Haskell library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases, built on top of the fantastic Opaleye library.

  • reactive-banana version by Ollie Charles

    I’m happy to announce the next version of reactive-banana. reactive-banana is a library for Functional Reactive Programming (FRP).

  • Yampa version 0.13.6 by Ivan Perez

    Yampa prides itself in being a long-standing community project. It’s now been around for almost 20 years!

Call for participation