Haskell Weekly


Issue 341 2022-11-10

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • 2022 State of Haskell Survey by Haskell Weekly

    This survey opens on November 1st and closes on the 15th. The goal of this survey is to better understand what people think of the Haskell programming language, together with its ecosystem and community. Whether you have never used Haskell or you use it every day, we want to hear from you!


  • GHC 9.4.3 is now available by Ben Gamari

    The GHC developers are happy to announce the availability of GHC 9.4.3. This release is primarily a bugfix release addressing a few issues found in 9.4.2.

  • GHC 9.2.5 released by Zubin Duggal

    The GHC developers are very happy to at announce the availability of GHC 9.2.5. This release is primarily a bugfix release addressing a few issues found in 9.2.4.

  • Functional programming from sets and functions by Marco Perone

    In this post I would like to try a different approach, not requiring any programming knowledge, but only the most basic intuition.

  • Improving the experience of JSON in Haskell with autodocodec and bifunctors by Dylan Martin

    Given the advantages laid out in that discussion, I decided to give that library a try on my project’s codebase, and it worked so well that, so I ended up refactoring basically all of my types to use autodocodec to generate JSON parsers for my types.

  • A map of Haskell’s numeric types by Mark Dominus

    I keep getting lost in the maze of Haskell’s numeric types. Here’s lso the map I drew to help myself out.

  • One recursion for all! Catamorphism step by step by Hackle Wayne

    One of the thrills of learning Haskell, is how something can come up out of the blue to completely invalidate my existing knowledge.

  • Recompilation avoidance in rules_haskell by Guillaume Genestier

    In this blog post I explain how I improved recompilation avoidance in rules_haskell, a Bazel rule set to build Haskell code.

  • Reinforcement learning for open games by Georgios Karachalias & Noon van der Silk

    In this post we illustrate how we built “Learning Games”, an integration between the open-games-hs framework and rllib, in order to gain access to the entire Python ecosystem and train agents for games written in Haskell.

  • Security assessment by Trail of Bits, the new website and v4.2 released by Evgeny Poberezkin

    We have a growing number of enthusiasts using SimpleX Chat who can accept the security risks of unaudited system, but the users who depend on their security were patiently waiting until some independent experts validate our claims.

  • Uniplate is a Traversal by Jack Kelly

    While writing code to rewrite some Dhall syntax trees, I noticed a cool connection between the core uniplate operation and optics.


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  • haskell-benign by Arnaud Spiwack

    A library for benign effects in Haskell.

Call for participation