Haskell Weekly


Issue 376 2023-07-13

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • Which cloud technologies are you using in your projects? (ad)

    Share what you like and dislike about dbaas, containers, serverless iaas for a chance to win amazing prizes. Plus you’ll get free access to a virtual goody bag packed with discount codes, vouchers and free resources! Take the survey.

  • Curry - Howard - Lambek and the Isomorphism by Timothy Samson

    This article is about using the Curry - Howard isomorphism to build a proof verifier leveraging Haskell’s type system from scratch.

  • Fearless Tinkering is Functional by Heneli Kailahi

    Is functional programming worth learning? This series is the sales pitch I wish I had received when first being introduced to the world of functions.

  • Haskell Security Response Team - Announcement and Q2 2023 report by Fraser Tweedale

    The Haskell Security Response Team (SRT) is a volunteer organization within the Haskell Foundation that is building tools and processes to aid the entire Haskell ecosystem in assessing and responding to security risks.

  • How it was implementing a code agent in Haskell

    When I got the idea that we should try to experiment with combining GPT with Wasp in order to generate full-stack JS web apps, I got pretty excited about implementing it in Haskell!

  • ICFP Contest 2023 - JKRT report by Tristan de Cacqueray

    The International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) Programming Contest is an annual programming contest. The event lasted for 3 days, and out of curiosity, we created a team with my dear colleague Jens Petersen.

  • The National Georeferenced Data Platform powered by Obelisk by Obsidian Systems

    Recently, we were thrilled to receive a request from the government of Peru to create a personalized view into the projects impacting each region of Peru, empowering residents to help shape their country.

  • Writing profunctor optics by the same template by Lev Dvorkin

    They are soo similar, that I was curious if we can construct them by the same algorithm without knowing anything about profunctor classes. And soon I realized, that in fact we can.


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In brief

Show & tell

  • aeson version by Oleg Grenrus

  • Amazonka 2.0.0-rc2 by Brendan Hay

    The Amazonka team would like to announce the availability of the final release candidate for the upcoming 2.0.0 release.

  • array version by Lei Zhu

  • bytestring versions & by Andrew Lelechenko

    On behalf of the maintainers team I’m happy to announce that two new bytestring 1 versions have been released.

  • Copilot version 3.16 by Ivan Perez

    This new version provides comprehensive tests for the C99 backend, and introduces a breaking change in the definition of the type Arg in copilot-language.

  • haskell-bounds-bump-action by Joachim Brietner

    Imagine your package foo depends on bar < 1.2 and baz. Now bar-1.2 is released, and someone (or something) creates a PR against your repository changing the version bound to bar < 1.3.

  • Hoot by Matt Hunzinger

    Opinionated haskell package builder (based on cabal)

  • require-callstack by Matt Parsons

    I wrote this package up as a test prototype for propagating HasCallStack constraints so our Bugsnag reports aren’t “Well at some point you called a database function and then it all went to hell.”

  • Weeder version 2.6 by Ollie Charles

    I’m happy to annouce that Weeder 2.6.0 has been released. Weeder is a Haskell utility to help find unused Haskell declarations over an entire project.

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