Haskell Weekly


Issue 386 2023-09-21

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • A New Home for Stackage by David Thrane Christiansen

    FP Complete has hosted all of the Stackage infrastructure for many years on our behalf - now they are donating it all to the Haskell Foundation. Hosting these services at the HF makes them more robust, as they’ll no longer be reliant on a single company.

  • Botan / Cryptography Community Project: Leg 1 Proposal, Final Draft by ApothecaLabs

    Today I am happy to announce the final draft of the Botan / Cryptography Community Project Proposal. Barring any changes, I plan to officially submit the proposal to the Haskell Foundation on Monday, and I am now asking for any last feedback, opinions, thoughts, and criticisms that anyone might want to sneak in at the last moment.

  • GHC 9.8.1-alpha4 is now available by Ben Gamari

    The GHC developers are very pleased to announce the availability of the fourth alpha prerelease of GHC 9.8.1.

  • Episode 33 - David Christiansen by The Haskell Interlude

    In this farewell interview with David Thrane Christiansen, the outgoing Executive Director of the Haskell Foundation, hosts Wouter Swierstra and Matthías Páll Gissurarson use the opportunity to reflect on his tenure as ED, the recent history of the Haskell Foundation, where the HF is going and what consider if you want to apply for the role of Executive Director of the HF.

  • ZuriHac 2023 and GHC Contributors’ Workshop: Summary and Materials by Well-Typed

    Many of us at Well-Typed enjoyed travelling to Zurich earlier this year for ZuriHac 2023 and the GHC Contributors’ Workshop. Thanks to the organisers of both these events, and to all those who attended for the great discussions. The videos of our sessions as well as the materials used in them are available online, so those who could not attend can watch the talks by following the links below.


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In brief

Show & tell

  • A lambda calculus primer by LigerLearn

    A ~35min primer on the lambda calculus intended for those just starting to learn functional programming. The video covers: (i) what the lambda calculus is, (ii) the simple untyped lambda calculus, (iii) evaluation rules (delta, beta, alpha, and eta conversion/reduction), and (iv) normal form and reduction orders.

  • Haskell Foundation DevOps Weekly Log, 2023-09-20 by Bryan Richter

    This log has five things to mention, which are a mix of GHC and Haskell Foundation tasks. It’s been a busy couple weeks.

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