Haskell Weekly


Issue 409 2024-02-29

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • GHC 9.8.2 is now available by Zubin Duggal

    The GHC developers are happy to announce the availability of GHC 9.8.2.

  • More QualifiedDo examples by Oleg Grenrus

    Qualified do-notation, QualifiedDo, is a nice syntactical extension in GHC. Probably its best property is that it changes semantics only locally, by using explicit “annotation”: by qualifying the do keyword. This means that enabling the extension doesn’t change meaning of other & existing code.

  • Unification-free (“keyword”) type checking by Gabriella Gonzalez

    From my perspective, one of the biggest open problems in implementing programming languages is how to add a type system to the language without significantly complicating the implementation.

  • Updated Esqueleto text-search & PostGIS bindings by Jappie J. T. Klooster

    I’ve updated the esqueleto bindings for esqueleto-textsearch to include a tutorial and documentation so it no longer requires guesswork. Furthermore I’ve also created new esqueleto bindings for PostGIS.

  • When is a module too big? When is a module too small? by Ignat Insarov

    I am going to try and answer myself but you will see my success is modest.

  • Why are Partial Functions so prevalent in Prelude? by Helgard

    Why does the Prelude seem unsafe - or rather why does the Prelude seem less safe than it should be?


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In brief

  • Haskell Selected for GSoC 2024 by Aaron Allen

    The Haskell.Org committee is pleased to announce that Haskell is one of the organizations selected to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2024 program!

  • smh by Dani Rybe

    A string manipulation tool written in haskell.

Show & tell

  • Advent of Code 2022 Complete by Emir Uz

    Here are my complete Advent of Code 2022 solutions in an average of 27 lines of code (LOC). My main emphasis was solving everything using minimum LOC and minimal vocabulary whilst maintaining reasonable performance.

Call for participation