Haskell Weekly


Issue 433 2024-08-15

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Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • A new architecture for HTTP/2 in Haskell by Kazu Yamamoto

    Streamlined and simplified: Revamping Haskell’s HTTP/2 architecture to boost maintainability and performance.

  • Building Type Search for Unison by Chris Penner

    Today we’ll be looking into type-based search, what it is, how it helps, and how to build one for the Unison programming language at production scale.

  • Competitive Programming in Haskell: tree path decomposition, part II by Brent Yorgey

    In a previous post I discussed the first half of my solution to Factor-Full Tree. In this post, I will demonstrate how to decompose a tree into disjoint paths. For this particular problem, we want to decompose a tree into maximum-length paths (i.e. we start by taking the longest possible path, then take the longest path from what remains, and so on);

  • Formatting serial streams in hardware by Gergő Érdi

    I’ve been playing around with building a Sudoku solver circuit on an FPGA: you connect to it via a serial port, send it a Sudoku grid with some unknown cells, and after solving it, you get back the solved (fully filled-in) grid.

  • Haskell for Elm developers: giving names to stuff (Part 5 - Semigroups and Monoids) by Flavio Corpa

    In my last post, instead of going for the low-hanging fruit (like I’m doing right now) I decided to talk about parser combinators because it is a topic that I really enjoy. But now we should proceed on the quest of “giving names to stuff”, so let us talk about Semigroups and Monoids!

  • Haskell Foundation July 2024 Update by José Manuel Calderón Trilla

    After a few months pause, we’re reviving the monthly updates. Just in time, too, as July was a very busy month!

  • Redefining the future of web development with Haskell by Func Prog Sweden

    At Wasp, we are building an innovative full-stack web framework centered around the concept of a unique DSL used to define the high level of your web app. In this talk, I will explain how we used Haskell to implement the compiler that parses our DSL and generates JS/TS code (including the language server), how we built our CLI with it, how we used it to quickly implement an AI-powered app generator, and how we currently contribute to the Haskell ecosystem.

  • The Haskell Unfolder Episode 31: nothunks by Andres Löh, Edsko de Vries

    Debugging space leaks can be one of the more difficult aspects of writing professional Haskell code. An important source of space leaks are unevaluated thunks in long-lived application data; in this episode of the Haskell Unfolder, we will see how we can take advantage of the nothunks library to make debugging and preventing these kinds of leaks significantly easier.


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